DF Quotes

we are the children of the night”




DF Quotes is a site dedicated to collecting and correlating quotes which are humorous, bizarre, touching or otherwise inspirational from DF Social Events (Althing is therefore not included as it is strictly business – apparently…). The quote pages are uncensored, and despite the warnings underneath each section, you must be warned that DF Quotes is potentially offensive, especially if you are averse to strong language.


The quotes are taken from individuals at instants in time. Like DF News, they do not represent the views of the DF committee, the movement as a whole, or even the individual. DF Quotes is only a wholesome and enjoyable site if you don’t take any of this stuff seriously.


After all, DFs don’t take anything seriously, so why should you?


As of 2010, this is an archived site. It will remain here in space and time and I will keep an eye on it to make sure it runs in order.  I have not been a DF since 2006 and yet I still appreciate these moments for what they were, and will continue to be. - Pooka



DF Kamp 2K4

(contains bizarre quotes and cliquey one-liners)


Winter Wonderland 2K4

(contains heavy swearing, sexual hints and drug usage)


Spring Awakening 2K5

(contains peas… lots and lots of peas)


DF Kamp 2K5: ACK!

(contains rape!)


Midlands Forum 2005

(contains adverbs, just like a certain action plan)


Winter Wonderland 2005

(contains sex, violence and Japanese)


Denmark 2007

(contains journeys… mostly journeys…)


DF IRC Channel: The Best Of

(contains geekery, swearing, sexual innuendo, and stuff from the past)





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