Winter Wonderland 2005

Quotes Page


Winter Wonderland, my last-ever DF Event. (Ironically enough, I was still a DF for the following three months, the termination of that occurring on March the 17th, 2006!) And what a strange event it was.


Send me an e-mail on the double if I have missed anything.



Amber: “Have you got the quote book?”

Pooka: “Yes, here it is. In fact, I have 2 quote books.”

Kitty: “Quote book? What quote book?”


[Kitty holds up a picture of an angel.]

Amber: “Who’s that?”


Amber: “Is it Laurie?

Kitty: “…Yes?”

Pooka: “It is now!”


[Kitty looks at Amber and leans over.]

Kitty: “Amber, do you want to…?”

[Amber gets out her camera phone to take a picture.]



Pooka: *being filmed* “What, are we filming now?”

Amber: “Oh, I hate it when people do that, because…” *pause* “... it’s crap!”


Kitty: “My God, it fits the song!”


Amber: “That’s not a slideshow, that’s bollocks!”


Kitty: “Do you ever get when you’re not hungry, but you really want to eat?”

Pooka: “Yeah, that’s called greed.”


Amber: “I’m so happy I managed to bring my pillow, and a blanket, and a sleeping bag.”

[Pooka gets his pen.]

Amber: “You’re not writing that down, are you?”

Pooka: “I wasn’t going to, but I am now!”


[Listening to music.]

Amber: “This sounds like something.”

Pooka: “I’d hope it would!”


Kitty: “You know that feeling you get in your tummy?”

Amber: “What, like you’re going to puke?”

Kitty: “No, like a mixture of nerves and excitement, and a little bit scared.”

Amber: “Why scared? Because you think I’m going to murder you in your sleep?”

Kitty: “No, because I think you’ll puke in my face!”


Amber: “Bum!”

Kitty: “What?”

Amber: “I forgot to ask my mummy to record Home and Away!”


Amber: “Where’s my table?”

Kitty: “Up your bum.”

Amber: “Oh yeah.”

Kitty: “It’s an easy mistake to make.”


Verity: “I want to get really drunk tonight, but I don’t want anything to drink.”


Hannah: *about to cycle off* “Okay!... Which way do I go?”


[discussing Pooka’s ripped trousers]

Evan: “This is all part of a plan, isn’t it? You were thinking, if you wore those trousers at Winder Wonderland, and if you ripped them, Ros would have to touch you to sew them up!”

Pooka: “I hadn’t considered that.”

Evan: “And then you’ll rip them again! And this time it’ll be the crotch!”


Hannah: “Evan, stop bullying me!”


Kitty: “So, Evan is 20, and Pooka is 20… are you two friends?”


Hannah: “He likes your boobs, Evan.”

Evan: “Yes, I’ve been working on them over Christmas.”


Evan: “Physics jam! They’re having a physics jam in Leicester!”


Pooka: “Hannah! Have you lost the game recently?”

Hannah: *…long pause…* “I love Kitty!”


Pooka: “Hannah’s all there on her own.”

(MS Word suggested I revise the above quote due to ‘reflexive pronoun use’.)


[Pooka finishes his drink.]

Ros: “You didn’t want to finish that.”

Pooka: “Why?”

Ros: “Because I was going to steal some.”

Pooka: “Sorry.”

Ros: “Oh, it’s all right. I’ll steal Simon’s.”


Ros: “Where are you sleeping?”

Pooka: “In a room, in a bed.”

Ros: “Wow! What, right now?”

Pooka: “Yes, this is just a robot of me, while the real me sleeps.”

Ros: “It’s quite a good copy.”

Pooka: “Yes. All my sarcasm is programmed in.”


Ros: Leicester has a space centre. It sends people into space.”

Pooka: “And? So does Channel 4… apparently.”


Pooka: “Hannah, say something devastatingly funny!”


Laura E: “I think that’s the first time she’s ever shut up, actually.”


Pooka: “What’s the queue for, Evan?”

Evan: “Um… oral sex?”


Sophie: “This ‘barn’ better be a room, rather than – like – a barn, or something.”


Owen: “The warden lives on site, and he will be walking around. So if you’re doing something you know you shouldn’t, be subtle.”


Kit: “Pooka, did you know that – apart from Pepe – you’re the only one with one name here? You’re like Madonna!”


Evan: “I’m not drunk, not even a little bit.”


Evan: “Five gold rings, four gold rings, three gold rings, two gold rings, and a go-o-o-o-o-old ring!”


Lawrence: “[Charlie] is shit. Above everything else, Charlie Keys is an in idiot.”


ROS IS MEAN (not really) (she is lovely)


Lawrence: “Sophie, you are a wonderful human being.”


Hannah: “All I want for Christmas…”

Ed: “Is a poo!”


Laurie Brown: “That doesn’t make sense!”

Kitty: “Neither do you!”


Hannah: “Laurie, you’re my boyfriend and I haven’t spoken to you for months!”


Sophie: “Jeff, have you dyed your hair blonde?”

Jeff: “It’s California blonde.”


Kitty: “I feel naked.”

Annie: “Why?”

Kitty: “Because I’m not wearing any clothes.”


Laurie Brown: “I rolled a rolly!”


Evan: “I’m going to have to drink some coffee now so I don’t pass out!”


Hannah: “Don’t touch me!... Rape!... Jessie, mediate, mediate. He’s touching me and I don’t appreciate it.”


Jessie: “I can’t mediate with only one mediator ‘cause this happens!”


Pepe: “Let me bite you. I won’t bite hard.”


Pepe: “Kit, should I bite Jessie?”


Jessie: “No, bite Kit…”

[She accidentally hits Kit in the stomach.]

Kit: “Oh, definitely bite her now!”


Jessie: “Does that hurt?”

Pooka: “Does what hurt?”

[Jessie slaps Pooka round the face.]

Pooka: “Well, thanks for demonstrating!”


Jessie:Brightlingsea’s lost its hair recently.”


Pooka: “Evan is a place on earth.”

Evan: “What?”


Pooka: “What happens if you poke Evan?”

Jessie: “He turns more ginger!”


Hannah: “Edward just punched me in the face!”

Evan: “Hooray!”


Jessie: “You were at thingywotsit, weren’t you?”


Ros: “It’s too big!”


Pepe: “I haven’t slept for 3 months.”


Maddie: “Very funny. I’m sorry, that was sarcasm.”


Rohan: “We’re discussing open-source software, but we’re trying not to make it too geeky.”


[Hertha hugs Rohan.]

Rohan: “It’s a giant!”

Pooka: “Oh yeah, it’s a giant.”

Rohan: (lewdly) “That’s what I said!”


Scots Emily: “Life is lovely if there is a Judith.”


Pooka: “You used my pen for drugs?”

Nick: “Yes.”

Pooka: “Why?”

Lawrence: “I think the more important question is, how?”

Pooka: “Yes, how?”

Nick: “I used your pen… TO INJECT HEROIN!”

Lawrence: “INTO ROHAN!”


Winnie:Lucie’s wearing nothing!”

Verity: “She got it for Christmas!”


[Pooka and Carly, hugwalking, collide with Anna Sutherland.]

Anna S: “Ooh! I’ll leave you two to it!”


Rohan: “What’s that sound? It sounds like an asthmatic having very slow sex.”


[Carly and Aphra walk off.]

Pooka: “Well, have fun. Don’t fall down the stairs or anything.”




Pooka: “How many times do I have to say, we’re not having sex, we’re just having a free exchange of ideas.”

Hannah: “Last time I went to the toilet was at half past eleven this morning.”


Evan: “That piano has hardly been vacant for one minute.”


Hannah: “Hertha, I’m a good girl!”


Pooka: “We’re going to run out of bread by tomorrow morning, and all because of Carly and Aphra!”


Hertha: “Did I hear you saying you wanted to go to bed?”

Kat: “Yes, but my own bed.”


Carpe Cabasa. Sieze the bed.


Kat: “We have Hertha’s nipples!”


[Ed drinks one and three-quarters of a pint of tea.]

Pooka: “You’re not going to get any sleep tonight, y’know? You’re just gonna stay awake, shuddering, for – like… ever.”


Hazel M: “I want a dressing gown.”

Pooka: “We could do a workshop where we make our own.”


Owen: “[Your secret friend] is the person you need to make presents for, and generally pleasure them.”


Pooka: *tapping his badge twice* “REBOOT!”


[discussing old folks’ homes]

Jack: “No need for food, wait for one to die, and then the rest of them can eat the old one!”


Pooka: “Let’s play Murder In The Dark!”

Anna: “How do you play that?”

Pooka: “Well, somebody murders people, right… and… it’s in the dark.”


Sophie: “I think you’ve gone deaf.”

Pat: “What?”


Ed: “Yeah, primitivists are lovely, until they start fighting!”


Ed: “This girl I know said, like, ‘everything I see is inside my head, right? So how do I know it’s real at all?’ and her mum just fuckin’ whacked her around the head and yelled, ‘never say that again’!”

Rohan: “Bit of materialism in action there!”


Rohan: “What’s happening?”

Pat: “You are.”


Hannah: “Who is the walk?”


Sam Merton: “Sam McGayver is a pillar of society that all discerning proletarians should aspire to be!”


Pooka: “Quick, Jessie! Say something hilarious!”

Jessie: “Uh?... uh… aaaah!”


[watching Deal or No Deal]

Ed: “Is that Noel fucking Edwards?”


[watching Hard Spell]

Sam Merton: “Don’t you know how to spell anything?”

Joe: “A-N-Y…”


[watching Hollyoaks]

Hannah: “HOLLYOAKS!!” …*claps*… “I really don’t have a life at home…”

Pooka: “You don’t have a life here, either.”


Ed: “I’d forgotten you two were fucked.”

[Carly and Aphra laugh drunkenly.]

Verity: “Oh, like they don’t look fucked at all.”


Pooka:Pepe-san, あなたは図書館じゃありません!”

(Can’t read Japanese? I'll explain later!)


Laurie Brown: *with relish* “What are you dressing up as tonight? I’m dressing up AS A CRAB!”


Dave: “Why have you got four bollocks?”

Owen: “Have you not? I’m twice the man you are!”


[discussing Match Of The Day]

Pooka: “Actually, because it’s Christmas, I hear they are doing a Special Jesus Version: Match Of The Deity.”


SIZE ISN’T EVERYTHING: Living With Anarchic Pygmies…


Aidan: “Vegan cream? I don’t know the meaning of the phrase!”

Pooka: “It’s cream that comes from a vegan.”


Ed: “If anyone wants to say something, put up your hand and I won’t ignore you.”


Ed: *ignoring him* “Also, if you have a point to make…”


Pooka: “Where the fucking fuck’s my fucking quotebook?”


Hannah: “I need to stop drinking cider. It’s bad for me.”

[a few seconds later]

Hannah: “Has Evan given my bra back?”


Pooka: “Where have you guys been?”

Nick: “Where indeed?”

Lawrence: “Where haven’t we been?”


Nick: “What storage is your iPod?”

Lawrence: “20 Gig. Lucy has a 40 Gig one but she won’t give it to me. She won’t give me her iPod, either.”

*boom-boom, clash*

Lawrence: “Thank you. I’m here all week.”


Ellie F: “I thought I could easily knock out Laurie Brown ‘cause he’s so blatantly a poof.”


Jessie: *constantly knocking down ‘Guess Who’ tiles* “I’m nearly there… I’m nearly there… I’m nearly there…” (&c.)


[Lawrence is eating a mince pie.]

Pooka:Lawrence, you’re ginger and vegan.”

Lawrence: “I know.”

[He offers Pooka a bite.]

Pooka: “No thanks, I don’t like mince pies… hey, hasn’t that got butter in it?”

Lawrence: “NO!”

Pooka: “Yes it has.”



Hannah: “You’ve drunk too many beers tonight.”

Pooka: “Well, that’s his muse.”

Dom: “Muse? I can play Muse!...


Hannah: “That’s shit!”

Lucie: “It isn’t shit. It’s well good.”

Hannah:Lucie hasn’t mastered sarcasm yet.”


Lawrence: “Rolling on top of the ‘Guess Who?’ game has to he the piece de résistance of Winter Wonderland.”




George: “Everyone likes a bit of arse.”

[Secretly, Kat sticks out her arse behind George’s back.]

George: “Everyone likes a bit of arse… don’t you, Pooka?”

Pooka: (looking at Kat’s) “I certainly do.”

(MS Word suggested I change the second line to ‘a Kat stick out her arse behind George are’!)


Joe: “Your mum’s so dumb that she stared at orange juice for half an hour ‘cause it said concentrate.”


Joe: “Shakespeare walks into a pub. The landlord says, ‘Get out! You’re barred!’.”


Jeff: “A man walks into a bar, and says to the barmaid, ‘Can I have a double entendre?’, so she gives him one.”


[3 minutes after the above joke, it is still being explained to Lucie.]

Pooka: “You can hear how the cogs are slowly beginning to grind into action…”


Joe: *pointing at the people who are asleep* “Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone…”

Pooka: *pointing at Anna* “Donne.”


[playing ‘Guess Who?’]

Hertha: “Is it Hannah?”

Ruth: “Yes.”

Hannah: “YAAAAAAAY! I WON!!”


Pooka: “I didn’t know you kissed Adam Cassels.”

Hannah: “I only snogged him because he tasted of raspberry ripple ice cream.”

Pooka: “Yeah, that’s what they all say.”


Pooka: “Evan, you’re digging yourself deeper and deeper into the hole.”

Evan: “Yes, but at the bottom of the hole is Lucie!”


Evan:Carly, I will fight you in the Circle of Death tomorrow.”


Ed: “…and that’s how you contact me. Now let’s get to Circle or Anna Donne will beat us.”


Ed: “Hannah, did you take [that bra] off without removing your shirt?”

Hannah: “Evan was wearing it.”

Ed: “So you did take it off without removing your shirt!”


Owen: “Did everyone enjoy last night?”

[general murmur]

Owen: “Louder.”


Owen: “Now that’s just annoying.”


[long pause]

Ed: “Is this going anywhere?”

Owen: “…Yes. It’s going somewhere but very slowly. Like National Rail.”


Joe Cassidy: “I think I’m going to start wearing a bra to clubs!”


Kitty: “Amber pissed on a tractor!”

Evan: “Amber! Did you piss on a tractor?”

[Amber nods.]

Evan: “All right!!”


Pooka: “[Jessie]’s really easy to overpower when she’s tied up.”


Ed: “Roll Jessie around! Roll Jessie around! Roll Jessie around! Roll Jessie around!”


Lawrence: “Who would play you in a film about my life?”


Lawrence: “Kit, are you knitting, like, a small animal? That looks like, you know, a bear, or something.”


Hannah: (to Ed) “I don’t want BOY DISEASE!”

Rohan: “Get off him, then.”


[A girl on ‘Neighbours’ falls over.]

Ed: “She’s down! Get her!”




Hazel: “First Aider isn’t the same as Sober Person, is it?”

Anna: “No, we haven’t even done Sober Person. Oops…”


Hazel: “My tea!”

Jessie: “Your tea!”

Hazel: “Our tea!”

Jessie: “More tea!”

Pooka: “Morti?”

Jessie: “Morti!”


Evan: “You get a pubic wig made of Pooka’s head hair!”

Pooka: “Yeah, that’s why I got most of if cut off: to make the wig.”


Jessie: “My mind hurts.”

Pooka: “Your mind can’t hurt. It has no nerve endings.”


Evan: “Vegan is an anagram of cottage cheese.”


Evan: “You’re so damn hot.”

Pooka: “Who’s so damn hot?”

Hannah: “Me.”


Evan: “[Aphra] and Carly had this ESP thing going on.”

Pooka: “They had something going on, but I don’t think it was ESP!”


Anna: “I want a walrus! Give me a walrus!”


Evan: “You want my heart? I’m all heart!”


Jessie: “Water and aid… Water and aid… Water and aid… Water and aid… Water and aid… Water and aid… Water and aid…”

Pooka:Wateraid? Is that like lemonade, only it tastes of water?”


Evan: “Welcome to the 17th Annual Winter Wonderland Breadbox Quiz…”


Hannah: “They were both losers. No one won. They’re both ginger.”

Evan: “We both won. It was a ginger victory.”


Ed: “It’s like putting semen in your ears instead of reading.”


Hywel: “Just press the channel up button and the TV will turn on.”

Rohan: “But then it’ll be on the wrong channel!”


Hannah: “I never, ever wash potatoes.”


Lawrence: “I can’t understand her, she’s speaking ‘woman’: blah blah dishwasher… blah blah commitment… blah blah menstruation…”


Owen: “When did you find out what the surprise was?”

Lawrence: “Ages ago, when someone told me.”


Aidan: “Are you racist?”

Lawrence: “No.”

Aidan: “Well I am!”


Jeff: “The best way to get out of a lie is to lie some more.”


Various: “We can’t miss the ginger hug.”


Ros: “Does this not really annoy you, Evan?”

Pooka: “I’m not Evan.”

Ros: “Yes you are.”


Jessie: “You big ginger Mackem!”

Pooka: “Who are you talking to, Lawrence or Aidan?”


Hannah: “Edward! George! Stop. Now give each other a hug…”


[Carly is stoned.]

Pooka: “What’d you do, smoke five spliffs at once or something?”

Carly: *uncontrollable giggling*

Pooka: “Hmmm?”

Carly: *uncontrollable giggling* “Four.”

Pooka: “Why?”

Carly: *uncontrollable giggling*


Pooka: “Why?”

Carly: “It was good fun!” *uncontrollable giggling*


[Evan goes into fits of ecstasy as he gets a massage.]

Pooka: “You’re experienced at that, are you, Lloyd?”

Lloyd: “Oh yes, I am experienced at all kinds of massage.”


Lucie: “I wanted to give you one [a massage], because I’m in the mood [to give a massage]. I’m not often in the mood.”

Pooka: “Hah!”


Evan: “Is that my camera?”

Hazel: “You wish.”


Lucie: “You’ve got a hole in your trousers, I can see your skin.”

Pooka: “My God, you’re quick, Lucie!”

Lucie: “Well, I hadn’t noticed it, up until now.”

Pooka: “The last horse finally crosses the finish line, eh?”


Evan: “Pooka, do you know where the broom cupboard is?”

Pooka: “Yeah, it’s that studio at Television Centre where they film CBBC.”


[reading milk for some reason]

Laurie Brown: “I love pasteurised, standardised… homogenicide?”


NO ENTRY (unless you are being helpful)

DO YOUR OWN WASHING UP (or you may be beaten)


Laurie Brown: “Clean, now! We’ve got the Rocky theme tune! This should inspire people!”


Jessie: “Charlie shouldn’t mop up with my cat.”

Aidan: “Charlie shouldn’t knock up your cat?”


[Responding to the ‘Rocky’ theme.]

Jeff: “Turn it off! Please!”

Pooka: “Does it not inspire you?”

Jeff: “No!”


Owen: “Water and Health, you get the toilets.”

Hazel: “No we don’t.”


Lawrence: “What the hell is that?”

Pooka: “It’s a pencil.”

Lawrence: “Oh. I thought it was, like, a really small hoover.”


Lawrence: “I am Sam McGeever. Have you ever seen us together? I think not!”


Ed: “I look like Uncle Duke out of Doonesbury!”


Ed: “What are you by profession?”

Jessie: “I’m a wanker!”

Lawrence: “And a doctor at the same time. Kind of worrying, really.”


Pooka: “How do you explain Puff’s gigantic tail?”

Lawrence:You talking about Sam McGeever again?”


Ed: “What’s the minority?”

Pooka:Your IQ!”


Hazel: “I drank too much tea.”

Pooka: “There’s no such thing as too much tea.”


Ed: *seeing Cat drink Alpro*Gimme some of that soya shit, woman!”


Anna: “Any lost property that is not collected will be taken away!” (about 491827983274187 times)


Laurie Brown: “It’s a fucking vehicle. They’re all the same. Four fucking vehicles, engineeriffic.”


Jessie: “Edward! Why are you here?”

Ed: “Because our train’s a spastic!”


Kit: “Something smells like straw!”


Hertha & Kat: *singing* “Get out that tin-op’-ner, swe-e-eet-corn, swe-e-eet-corn…”


Ed: “I can screw anything, Lucie…”


Ed: “Evan, I’ve eaten your savoury eggs and drunk your Irn-Bru. I wish I had something to offer you in return, apart from a slap.” *slap*


[Hannah’s bike falls on the back of Pooka’s legs.]

Pooka: “That was the most painful experience of my life.”


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