DF Kamp 2K4

Quotes Page


This is a selection of the best quotes from DF Kamp 2K4, in no particular order.

If you have anything to add or remove, or any other suggestions or new quotes, please send me an e-mail on the double.



50 People: “FOLK!”

Pete: “Okay, I really wasn’t expecting that…”


Anna: “You know when you get that thing, that thing that sticks out…?”

Pooka: “A penis?”

Anna: “No… erm… cancer.”


Rosalie: “I WANT JUICE!”

Lawrence: “There isn’t any.”

Rosalie: “Squash will do.”

Lawrence: “But there isn’t any squash made up.”

[Pooka wanders off.]

Rosalie: “I WANT SQUASH! NOW!”

[Pooka comes back, with squash for Rosalie.]
Rosalie: “But I haven’t got a cup!”

[Pooka hands Rosalie a cup.]

Rosalie: *pause*…  “This is the best day of my life!”


Hannah: “I’ve got 22 so far!” …*pull*… “23!” …*pull*…  “24!” …*pull*…  “25!” …*pull*… etc…  “38!”


Pete: “The woman that’s giving the seminar! She’s here! Quick – hide the alcohol!”


Cassie: *tokes*… “That’s HARSH!”


[half an hour of AMAZING juggling tricks]

Dom: “…okay, and that’s all.”

[massive pause]

Dom: *with relish*...  “…oh, wait! Reverse cascade… that’s one of my favourites!”


Leader: “So, who wants to be the zombie?”

[Adam jumps up and down, waving his hand.]


Dave: “There’s this game we used to play a lot. I know it’s not very Woodcraftly but… WAR.”


[Adam lists lots and lots of games, including Ratchet Screwdriver.]

Leader: “So these are all organised games, in a sense?”

Jessie: “ORGANISED?!”


Leader: *to Dave*… “And where would you play WAR?”

Adam: “On his own!”


Pooka: “Do you want any chocolate?”

Laura: “I love chocolate!”

[And she takes some chocolate.]

Pooka: “I didn’t want to know if you liked it, I just asked if you wanted any.”


Jessie: “Why have you got ‘cheese’ written on your arm?”

Jeff: “Because Polly decided to write ‘cheese’ on my arm.”

Everyone: “Okay.”


[Dom shows up wearing a dress.]

Dom: “I had to improvise.”




Wide Toilet Chute

Small children must be supervised at all times



Rohan:Lawrence, why didn’t you join Woodcraft sooner?”
Charlie: “Because he only left his computer four and a half months ago.”


Charlie: “He always looks pretty fly in his own way.”

Jeff: “Yeah, but that way’s also the ‘looking a bit of a prat’ way.”


[Anna shows up with wet, semi-styled hair.]

Rosalie: *excited*… “Oooh! Is there a shower?”

Anna: *pause*… “There’s a tap…”


[Rosalie falls over, landing on Anna.]

Anna: “Ouch!”

Jeff: “Now you know how I felt when you jumped on my back.”

Anna: *sulky*… “Sorry… I did give you a lollipop.”


Lawrence: “Three T-shirt colours – that’s sunflower, olive, and… erm… red.”


Aidan: “Hello, Pooka, I’m Aidan.”

Pooka: “Yes, I recognise you from DFWeb.”

Aidan: “What? Even though half my face on that icon is in darkness? And my picture on DFWeb is stretched? And it’s a crap picture? And it’s night so you can’t see me properly anyway?”

Pooka: “Yes.”


[everyone is waiting on the bus]

[Pete appears]

Somebody: “Hey, look, it’s Pete!”

[big cheer]

[Pete sticks up one finger]

[bigger cheer]


Rosalie: *carrying off some gaffer tape*… “Great, I can use this for sex later.”


[Rat starts singing a song about Bestiality.]

Jeff: “You’re not Welsh, are you, Rat?”


[7am, everyone is still half asleep]

Sheep: “Baa!”

[Pooka half-wakes up]

Sheep: “Baa! Baa!”

Pooka: “Baa?”

Sheep: “Baa?”





! # / bin / usr / perl / - s



Hannah: “There’s a girl called Taverner-Wood…”

Echo: “…there’s a girl called Taverner-Wood…”

Hannah: “And she’d have sex with you if she could…”

Echo: “…and she’d have sex with you if she could…”


Various: “Haaah!” / “San!” / “Koh!” / “No!” / Shiia!” / “Oonagie!”

Pooka: “Tchapokie!”


Rosalie: “I’ve got lube! Strawberry flavoured!”


Jessie: “Isn’t being hugged in a poncho great? It’s, like, a hug, and being wrapped in a blanket! AT THE SAME TIME!”


Rosalie: “Play it or lose it.”

[Pooka plays Flood.]

Pooka: *pause*… “Lose it.”


Dave: “I’ve been on so man y camps and I’ve only slept in a teepee once or twice. I’d prefer the ‘I Camp’ badge if it had a Force 5 on it, or something.”


Leader: “Any other games which you played as children?”

[people start making lists]

Laura: “Kiss chase!”


Sam: “Vic, where do you stand on peeing in the shower?”

Pooka: “You’ve gotta stand if you’re gonna pee in the shower…”


Elle: “I pee in the swimming pool.”

Sam: “While you’re saving someone?”

Elle: “Yeah! Jet propulsion!”


Vince: “I really want to be in a hot, clean swimming pool right now.”

Laura: “I don’t, after what I’ve just heard!”


Kate: “I pee in the shower…”

Elle: “YES! GET IN!”


Dan: “I used to shit in the bath as a kid.”

Vince: “Wow! And we didn’t even ask you!”


Pete: “It’s worth £8,000.”

Sam: “It’s probably best if you don’t break it whatever it costs.”



Lawrence: “Hertha, are you brushing your teeth again?”

Hertha: “Well, you have to brush your teeth twice a day.”


Ruth: “Guys, Rat is drunk. Would you mind abusing him for a while?”


Rosalie: “Sam McGeever is a cunning linguist.”

[Everyone laughs]

Pat: “And you’d know that, wouldn’t you, Rosalie?” …*wink*

Rosalie: “Erm… he is gay.”


Pooka: “Put something tempting in front of Rosalie, and she’ll follow it.”

[Hannah shows Rosalie her breasts.]


Rohan: “I just lost the game.”

Headline on TV: “LOST THE GAME!”


Anna: “My arse just went all numb. I can’t feel my arse!”

Jeff: “Can I?”

Anna: *pause*… “No.”


Rosalie: “Bye-bye Charlie!”

Charlie: “Bye.”

Rosalie: *suddenly*… “Hey, nice top.”

Charlie: “Thanks. It just makes me look so like a 14-year-old gay boy.”


[Charlie demonstrates his T-shirt.]

Charlie: “See, this is why I should start looking at clothes before I buy them.”


Jessie: “I’m going to get a jumper on cause I’m cold.”

Charlie: “I’m going to get a jumper on cause I look like a twat.”


Charlie: “Mate!”

Lawrence: “Mate!”

Charlie: “What you eating mate?”

Lawrence: “Mate, it’s a sandwich, mate!”

Charlie: “Mate! What’s in it, mate?”

Lawrence: “Mate!”

Charlie: “Mate!”

Lawrence: “Jam and Weetabix, mate!”

Charlie: “Mate!”



Lawrence: “Go on, try it, mate!”

[Charlie tries it.]

Charlie: “Awww, MATE!”


Charlie:Lawrence, we could all have, like, a post-DF-Kamp-Kamp on your lounge!”

Adam: ”We could all pitch our tents behind the sofa!”

Lawrence: “I don’t think my parents would be happy with that…”

Charlie: “Just do that thing where we all sit on each other’s shoulders, and when you get a big raincoat…”


Adam: “I’ve lost my mind!”

Carly: “I’ve lost my hair!”

Jessie: “I’ve lost the game!”


Kat:Lawrence, how do you spell Lawrence?”

Adam: “D A V E.”


Dan: “Dino-sa-a-a-urs!” / “Lord, Lord of the Riiiiings!”


Adam: “Everything we could think of was on the spider diagram. It was supposed to be of the treasure hunt, but it ended up with stuff like Sam McGeever’s A-Level results on it…”


Charlie: “Curses! You’ve made me lose my place!”

Adam: “Ha-ha! I shall perfect my own Super Super Machine first! And it shall only require half as many Doritos!”


Pooka: “Everyone watch the Dom Show!”

Hannah: “Now all we need is some CON-!”


Charlie: “Linux. Helping sell Aspirin since the early 1990s.”


Charlie: “I once went into DFChat and there were apparently three people in there…”

Pooka: “That’s only cause one of them was DFbot, one was Lawrence idling, and one was Lawrence idling somewhere else!”

Lawrence: “Just because I can idle in two places at once!”


Elle: “I don’t expect the government’s views to be anything like my own… until I’m in charge of it, of course.”


Tom: “When you reach four, you have to leave the island of Bermuda. You’re too big for it! It’d sink!”


Pooka: “Morning, Mr. R.”

[Rohan waves, and in doing so, spills hot tea over his hand.]

Rohan: “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!”

Pooka: “Yep, that’s why I call you R.”


[Closing Circle]

Adam: “One final announcement. I’ve just lost the game.”


[ The Woodcraft Folk | DF Web | DF Quotes]